Gw slalu suka sama yang namanya pasta.. well, almost any kind of pasta dan mau dimasak dengan cara apapun gw suka.. kcuali yang aneh-aneh banget yaa.. kaya pasta masak cabe ijo ato pasta goreng tepung.. emang ada? um, yah kan cuma kasi contoh :P hihi.. anyway, to be more general.. gw suka banget sama makanan italia.. walo itu cuma Pizza Hut.. i'm still loving it.. ga tau kenapa ya? apa mungkin karena cowo itali tuh ganteng-ganteng? ga da hubungan lagi ya? haha..
okay, so.. the point is.. gw menemukan satu resto itali yang oke banget.. uda tau dari dulu cuma aga susah buat nyoba.. scara ga ada temen gituh.. nah akhirnya stela sekian lama, gw berhasil makan di resto ini, called PEPeNERO.. it's from Bali I think.. and serves original italian cuisine.. karna stau sayah, chef nya impor dari Itali langsung.. the good thing about italian restaurant is that they serve free bread.. we love free stuffs..
pertama waktu qta baru pesen minum, they deliver the tomato bruschetta.. yang cuma gw makan rotinya ajah.. saya ga suka tomat yang masih berbentuk tomat.. later on, after we ordered our main course, datanglah sebaskom roti.. macem-macem gitu isinya.. my favourite would be sort of round bread with balsamic vinegar.. *drool*
what we had was ice cappucinno (Rp17), Ravioli Salsa Rose (Rp45) and Capricciosa Pizza (Rp42).. okay, I have to admit something.. I came here three times in less than 2 months.. pertama sama temen, kedua sama pacar dan ketiga sama kluarga.. and ordered almost the same things.. haha.. well, I'm in love with the Ravioli Salsa Rose.. I give it 9 in scale of 10 hihi..

the ambience of the restaurant in the Energy Building is really cozy.. warm and a little dark, since the only light was a small candle in your table.. perfect for a romantic candle light dinner :) I'm not being objective here since I'm madly in love with this place.. gonna come back for some quatro formaggi.. I'm craving......
Food: 8.5/10
Place: 8.5/10
Price: 8/10
PEPeNERO Cucina Italiana
The Energy - The Glass Bridge
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Lot 11A
SCBD Jakarta
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